Digital Asset Management, Print on Demand, Global Fulfillment | OnFulfillment Blog

OnFulfillment Blog | Global Fulfillment (13)

Rock on, Print Marketing. Rock on.

To be honest, coming across news that points to the power of print marketing makes our day. Even though print’s reputation has been taking a beating, we stand behind our belief that marketers will be successful through the use of print in their campaigns.

Topics: Print Marketing Global Fulfillment

Are Nightmares about International Shipping Keeping You Up?

Companies that produce training materials and other time-sensitive documentation for a global audience need to feel 100% confident that their materials will be delivered where they’re needed, when they’re needed. And not a day later.

And if it were as simple as conjuring up your very own Harry Potter to cast one of his spells (what would he call it – Deliverencio?), those in charge of making sure their company’s training materials were delivered safely all over the world would all sleep like babies.

Topics: Print On Demand Direct Mail Courseware Global Fulfillment Print Fulfillment Marketing Asset Management

OnFulfillment at 15!

Fifteen years ago, OnFulfillment was  in a 1000 square foot warehouse that was loaned to me by a great friend and mentor, Jim Moreton, now departed. The internet was the Wild West, and we were six months from the bubble bursting on a large portion the early adopters of the dot com craze. At that point, we were convinced that the internet would change the fulfillment business forever.  By us, I mean Dan Barnett and I. Shared information, universal access and real-time transactions – the possibilities were endless. We had an idea, enthusiasm, and a great support structure of friends and colleagues.

Our first customer was Zilog Corporation and Debra Erickson. Debra and I still exchange Christmas cards. No one wants to be the first customer, so I can’t thank her enough for our start. With Zilog on board, we had product in our warehouse and projects to do. At first my wife, kids and I did the work at home, but we soon hired  Juan Rosales from my previous job, and now I knew the work would get done. And so it continued as we added one new customer at a time. We soon moved to Hayward where another friend rented us space on a month to month basis.

Topics: Print On Demand Courseware Global Fulfillment Print Fulfillment Marketing Asset Management Kit Assembly

Thanks for having us at the CEdMA Spring Conference!

We recently had the opportunity to sponsor the 2014 CEdMA spring conference in San Jose, which was hosted inside the beautiful Brocade building. CEdMA (the Computer Education Management Association) is the foremost organization for training executives and managers within technology companies. If you are an education management professional for a software or hardware manufacturer that delivers training on your products, than you are a perfect candidate for CEdMA.

Topics: Event Marketing Materials Courseware Global Fulfillment

Managing your courseware as you mature from start-up to enterprise

Most training teams at high tech companies start out fairly small doing everything in-house themselves. In start-up mode, training managers are required to wear multiple hats, responsible for not only curriculum development, technical writing, and conducting training but also for identifying and scheduling training locations, ordering catering, and printing & shipping training materials. They have to handle all of the other day-to-day operations necessary in establishing, running and growing a world class Education Services business.

Topics: Print On Demand Courseware Global Fulfillment Print Fulfillment Marketing Asset Management Promotional Swag Kit Assembly