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OnFulfillment Blog | Corporate Gifting (4)

Why Do Consumers Prefer to Engage with Well-Known Brands?

A recent blog post highlighted various trends that are influencing how businesses are currently spending their budgets.

We detailed one of those trends, conscious consumerism, in late February. With this post, we are examining a second: a preference by customers for well-known retail brands when it comes to branded promotional items.

Topics: Event Marketing Materials Promotional Swag Riley's Picks Corporate Gifting

What is Conscious Consumerism, and Why is it So Popular?

In a recent blog post, we reported that several trends are currently influencing how businesses are spending their budgets, driven largely by the combined goals of cost efficiency and social consciousness.

Topics: Promotional Swag Corporate Gifting Marketing Fulfillment

What Did We Learn at PPAI Expo 2023? Let us Tell You

PPAI Expo 2023, held in early January in Las Vegas, attracted the country’s biggest promotional product providers and distributors to showcase what’s in store for the coming year—everything from new products and apparel to event material and order programs.

As with the previous few years, 2023 includes a host of uncertainties that will impact this year’s buying habits. Post-pandemic behavior continues to influence decision making, forcing companies to be cautious about spending. Couple that with an increasingly fragile economy and it’s clear that budgets will suffer.

Topics: Event Marketing Materials Promotional Swag Riley's Picks Corporate Gifting

Beginners Guide to New Hire Kits

Since the pandemic, companies have been having to elevate their new employee welcome kits as a way to encourage prospects to want to work for them and keep them on longer. As new team members start their onboarding process, that first week of their new job is important for employee retention to make them feel like they are part of the team. That first day of work is that new hire’s first impression of your company values.

Topics: Corporate Gifting Onboarding Employee Engagement

Set Your Company Apart with Branded Products That No One Else Has

At virtually every event, and in virtually every company store, you’ll see the same tired branded products recycled and reused.

Topics: Promotional Swag Company Store Corporate Gifting