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Need to Optimize Your Marketing Budget? Time to Outsource

It’s a new year. Time to start preparing for the various events, conferences and tradeshows on your marketing calendar—not to mention all your other projects and priorities.

Unfortunately, adding headcount right now is difficult if not impossible. Current economic conditions are forcing businesses to tighten their belts. Even if you could find and hire the right talent, building a full-time team to handle spikes in activity surrounding individual events doesn’t make financial sense.

Topics: Event Marketing Materials Company Store Marketing Fulfillment

Events are Coming Back. Are You Prepared?

After two years of COVID-related shutdowns, events—conferences, seminars, tradeshows and the like—are coming back in a big way.

Weekly, if not daily, organizations are asking us to help them ramp up their marketing event support activities. They want to get back out there and start meeting with customers and prospects again. Only now, they’re facing a host of new challenges.

Remote workforces. Reduced staff. Depleted or non-existent marketing closets. It’s like learning how to plan, manage, and execute events all over again, with fewer people and resources.

Topics: Event Marketing Materials Promotional Swag Company Store

Enhance Your Weekly Happy Hour

During the pandemic, everyone had to find a way to keep your employees and customers engaged in new and creative ways. At-home marketing campaigns and events became the new tradeshows and meetings, and small giveaways turned into home-delivered corporate gifts.

While some of these trends did start to fade as the world started to open up, a few did stick around and are predicted to become the new regular for promotional buying. One of the trends that seems to be enjoyed by everyone is the end of the day happy hour with coworkers

Topics: Promotional Swag Kit Assembly Riley's Picks Company Store Rewards Program Employee Engagement

How OnFulfillment Uses Metadata to Streamline Workflow

Running an online business is incredibly complex.  

The technology required to create a website where people can virtually browse, shop, reserve, order, download, or purchase items is overwhelming.  If anything, we should be amazed when it works properly rather than annoyed when it doesn’t.  The fact that it is so commonplace and reliable is a testament to the tenacity and creativity of the developers who made it possible.

Even the presumably easiest tasks are fraught with difficulty and challenges.  For instance, in order to maintain some semblance of order, one of the first things an online business must do is assign users to predefined groups or roles that determine what resources they can see or access.  On the surface, this seems to be a fairly simple and straightforward process.

Topics: Company Store Custom Developments & Integrations

Promo for Pets!

It seems like every event and meeting has a promotional product for you to take home. At this point, you probably have a box of branded products from every company you have interacted with. You get enough new products that you don’t know what to do with, and you can only find a use for so many water bottles and pens!

So, why not have a product that isn’t just useful for you but for your pet? Whether is is a corporate gift for a meeting or a trade show giveaway, pet promotional items make for a great gift for every type of client! Pet products make great promotional giveaways when they are useful too. Either way, sending someone something for their pet makes them feel like you care about their life outside of their business which leads to a better client relationship and loyalty.

Topics: Promotional Swag Riley's Picks Company Store Rewards Program