Digital Asset Management, Print on Demand, Global Fulfillment | OnFulfillment Blog
Steve Friar

Steve Friar

Steve is President and founder of OnFulfillment.

Recent Posts by Steve Friar:

Content Marketing for Your Ecommerce Store: Start Here!

Marketing for your ecommerce store is a given – because your products won’t sell themselves.

Topics: Marketing Asset Management

What Do We Mean by Large-Format Printing?

When you need an oversized graphics display for a meeting, trade show, storefront, special event – and so on – you’re moving into large-format printing territory.

Think building wraps, billboards, banners, POP displays, even vehicle graphics. These are all produced on special equipment by print manufacturers. It’s a specialty, so if you’re in the market for something big and bold, make sure your printer is the right fit.

Topics: Event Marketing Materials Global Fulfillment

Digital Courseware Can Save You Money

If you’re managing an Education Services business for your company, and you’re still on the fence about whether moving to electronic courseware delivery is the way to go, maybe this will help: going to an online courseware delivery system can save you a significant amount of money.

Topics: Courseware Global Fulfillment Print Fulfillment Marketing Asset Management

Take This Quiz to See If You Need a Courseware Management Program

If you’re a good-sized technology company, you offer training as a service. Managing and distributing all of your training materials (digital and printed) requires a system, allowing you to customize courseware for a broad audience and deliver materials accurately, quickly and securely.

Topics: Courseware Global Fulfillment Marketing Asset Management Kit Assembly

What Is Marketing Asset Management?

Marketing Asset Management (MAM) is the software that saves your sales and marketing team from flipping out.

It’s the software solution that helps them manage the thousands of digital assets they use every day to promote your business, communicate with customers, engage with prospects, and develop new accounts.

It’s your company’s private, cloud-based library that houses a categorized and comprehensive collection of every piece of content that could be used – and should be used – to market your services.

It’s your secure online system holding all approved digital assets that are used by internal stakeholders (sales, marketing, legal, administrative, print production, designers) as well as external (channel partners, third-party resellers, field reps, authorized representatives).

Topics: Direct Mail Courseware Print Fulfillment Marketing Asset Management