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OnFulfillment Blog | Promotional Swag (5)

It’s Time to Start Thinking About Branded Swag for the Holidays

The dog days of summer are upon us. Long, hot days. Memorial Day is a distant memory; Labor Day is still nearly a month away.

Sounds like it’s time to get started on your holiday shopping.

Topics: Promotional Swag Company Store Corporate Gifting Employee Engagement

What is Promotional Product Fulfillment?

Promotional product fulfillment seems fairly straightforward—it’s the process of managing the distribution of promotional products or branded merchandise for the purpose of increasing corporate visibility. It helps businesses effectively distribute their branded merchandise to target audiences, enhance brand visibility, and create a lasting impression.

These promotional products can be virtually anything—a pen, a polo shirt, a backpack—imprinted with your company's logo, wordmark and/or marketing message, distributed to prospects and existing customers as part of marketing, advertising or retention campaigns.

Topics: Promotional Swag Marketing Fulfillment

Which Branded Swag Printing Solution is Best for You?

When it comes to branded swag, your choices are virtually limitless. You can put your logo on almost anything, and the technique you use is restricted only by your budget (and, of course, the item itself).

The type of swag printing you choose really matters. The available methods offer varying levels of quality and durability, sending an unmistakable message about your company. Perception and differentiation are significantly influenced by the printing method you employ, helping you achieve the desired result while adhering to your budget.

Topics: Print Marketing Promotional Swag Corporate Gifting

How to Choose the Right Type of Branded Promotional Items

As a marketer, you’ve probably been asked to produce branded promotional items for an event, seminar, customer visit, or some other activity. And if you’re like most, you quickly discovered there are lots of items to choose from, each with their own unique benefits and advantages.

Topics: Event Marketing Materials Promotional Swag Corporate Gifting

How Many Types of Corporate Events Are There? Let’s Count.

There are many types of corporate events, each serving a different purpose and audience.  That means they require different planning and execution strategies. By understanding these various types of corporate events, businesses can identify those that are most relevant to their industry, attract the right audience, and align best with their corporate goals and objectives.

Topics: Event Marketing Materials Promotional Swag Event Support