Digital Asset Management, Print on Demand, Global Fulfillment | OnFulfillment Blog

OnFulfillment Blog | Marketing Asset Management (2)

Why Print is Still Relevant in 2023

Let’s face it: in some circles, the thought of printing materials for a marketing campaign in 2023 is considered quaint, if not downright old fashioned. Digital marketers can’t possibly conceive of the value of print; as far as they’re concerned, why spend the time and money to manufacture something when they can create web-based, e-mail, and mobile campaigns quickly, easily and cost effectively?

Topics: Direct Mail Print Marketing Marketing Asset Management

The Top 10 Skills Marketers Must Master to Become Indispensable

We frequently hear how difficult it is for companies to attract and retain talent these days. But what about the flip side—those people who are looking for work, particularly in marketing? What skills do they need to make themselves not only attractive, but indispensable to a marketing organization?

Topics: Marketing Asset Management Company Store Marketing Fulfillment

7 Simple Steps for Mastering the Marketing Collateral Management Conundrum

Even in today’s online world, marketing collateral management—the production, storage and distribution of printed materials that promote a company’s products and services—is still a critical discipline. While these materials can take many forms—data sheets, brochures, white papers, technical documentation, educational tools and many more—how you manage them must be consistent, organized and logical to ensure they convey the right message about your organization.

Topics: Print Marketing Print Fulfillment Marketing Asset Management Marketing Fulfillment

Smart Marketers Choose Printers with Muscle

All printers print well. Some deliver good quality; some deliver better quality; and some are truly stellar. But thanks to advanced printing technology, most printers in 2013 do a decent job. When looking at a buffet of print collateral, most marketers can’t tell the difference between samples – or know who printed what.

Topics: Direct Mail Print Marketing Commercial Print Print Fulfillment Marketing Asset Management

6 Sure-As-Shootin’ Signs You Need a Marketing Portal

Marketing portals are powerful management tools that help you organize your corporate digital assets in ways that make you more efficient. They give you the power to produce customized printed materials when they’re needed, in the exact quantities requested. A portal means you have, at your fingertips, a manageable system for cataloguing and accessing all kinds of digital content that’s used by numerous people who work in or with your organization. It also functions as a highly sophisticated but easy-to-use reporting engine that brings sanity to an otherwise logistical nightmare.

Topics: Global Fulfillment Marketing Asset Management