Digital Asset Management, Print on Demand, Global Fulfillment | OnFulfillment Blog

OnFulfillment Blog | Global Fulfillment (7)

Why Off-Brand Products are the Key to Beating the Supply Chain Crisis

It’s certainly no secret that the supply chain is currently under some serious stress. A combination of multiple factors, including supply and demand issues as well as growing staffing shortages, are already wreaking havoc, causing shipping delays and fulfillment problems. These disruptions are impacting everything from consumer electronics and paper goods to toys, automobiles and more. And one area where experts believe will see a significant shortage is in name-brand products.

Topics: Global Fulfillment Marketing Asset Management Promotional Swag

Security, Fulfillment and Ease of Use – How They All Fit Together

As we go through the sales and onboarding process with our customers, many will say, “sorry, but IT will have to send over a questionnaire.”  

While some might see this as a roadblock, our answer to this statement is, “Great!” The reason why is simple. 

Topics: Global Fulfillment Marketing Asset Management

What’s at the Heart of Print on Demand

Sometimes it’s hard to understand print industry lingo. If you’re not part of this vibrant and evolving field, you may not always be savvy to terms that printers toss around with abandon. That’s their problem – not yours.

Topics: Print On Demand Courseware Commercial Print Global Fulfillment Marketing Asset Management Kit Assembly

The Secret to Solving Your Marketing Fulfillment Challenges

On the surface, shipping and fulfillment may seem like a pretty straightforward process. You package your product, stick a label on it and then send it off to your customers or employees. In reality, this critical component of the supply chain can become incredibly challenging and costly. Fortunately, there is a solution and it’s much easier and more affordable than you may think.

Topics: Global Fulfillment Print Fulfillment Kit Assembly

Two Ways Marketers Can Cut Their UPS or FedEx Bill by Thousands

As we head into the "new normal," it may be the right time for marketing teams to review the cost of shipping.  [Ok, yes we said it, we said the 'new normal'.  And, yes, we know it's a huge cliché.  But it's hard to find another way to describe our current marketing environment.]

We all know that for the foreseeable future, physical events are canceled. But smart marketers are not slowing down because pipeline won't build itself. They are pivoting to virtual events, digital engagement, and the only physical marketing left in their arsenal–direct delivery to customers, prospects, and employees.

If your marketing plan includes delivering promotional products to

  • engage virtual event attendees
  • drive prospect meetings
  • make webinars more interactive and fun
  • thank loyal customers
  • reward or engage hard-working employees
  • celebrate company milestones

And if those customers, prospects, or employees are located not only in multiple cities across North America but around the world, than it may be time to review your FedEx or UPS bill and find ways to cut your shipping costs. 

Topics: Print Marketing Event Marketing Materials Global Fulfillment Print Fulfillment Marketing Asset Management