Digital Asset Management, Print on Demand, Global Fulfillment | OnFulfillment Blog

OnFulfillment Blog | Event Marketing Materials (9)

What's New at OnFulfillment

OnFulfillment has moved to new offices after 12 years on Filbert Street in Newark. The move is reflective of the constant changes at OnFulfillment and the world. Twelve years ago, we were 10%office and 90% warehouse, print and fulfillment. We are now 40% office and 60% warehouse. We are still in the same business we have been in for 18 years, we deliver and manage content for companies. It has just moved more and more to digital.

Topics: Event Marketing Materials Global Fulfillment Print Fulfillment Marketing Asset Management

Marketing Portal Requirements Checklist

Sure, it can be overwhelming to consider all of the options when you’re shopping for a marketing portal. The terminology is inconsistent from company to company, making it more difficult to figure out what a particular portal solution will provide.So we thought it made sense to create this checklist for key features and functionality of a sophisticated marketing portal. And while you may not need every feature right away, it’s wise to know what the possibilities are. When the day comes that you need every feature, the portal you invest in should be able to handle it.

Topics: Event Marketing Materials Marketing Asset Management

What Do We Mean by Large-Format Printing?

When you need an oversized graphics display for a meeting, trade show, storefront, special event – and so on – you’re moving into large-format printing territory.

Think building wraps, billboards, banners, POP displays, even vehicle graphics. These are all produced on special equipment by print manufacturers. It’s a specialty, so if you’re in the market for something big and bold, make sure your printer is the right fit.

Topics: Event Marketing Materials Global Fulfillment

Go Ahead. Give Away Your Content.

If were playing a round of word association and I shouted out “Content!” you’d probably holler back, “Marketing!” Like Pavlov’s dogs, we’re just conditioned that way in 2015. Content’s importance as a marketing strategy is big and getting bigger.Late last year, according to IDC, CMOs at the largest tech companies said that “Building out content marketing as an organizational competency was the 2nd most important initiative, only behind ROI.” As a result (or an indication, actually), tech companies have been pouring money, staff and energy into developing their content marketing efforts.

Topics: Direct Mail Event Marketing Materials Marketing Asset Management

Tips for First-Time Dreamforce Exhibitors

Are you planning to exhibit for the first time at this year’s Dreamforce in San Francisco? Well then, get ready, get set, and go prepared.

Topics: Direct Mail Event Marketing Materials Promotional Swag Kit Assembly