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OnFulfillment Blog | Employee Engagement (2)

Enhance Your Weekly Happy Hour

During the pandemic, everyone had to find a way to keep your employees and customers engaged in new and creative ways. At-home marketing campaigns and events became the new tradeshows and meetings, and small giveaways turned into home-delivered corporate gifts.

While some of these trends did start to fade as the world started to open up, a few did stick around and are predicted to become the new regular for promotional buying. One of the trends that seems to be enjoyed by everyone is the end of the day happy hour with coworkers

Topics: Promotional Swag Kit Assembly Riley's Picks Company Store Rewards Program Employee Engagement

Beginners Guide to New Hire Kits

Since the pandemic, companies have been having to elevate their new employee welcome kits as a way to encourage prospects to want to work for them and keep them on longer. As new team members start their onboarding process, that first week of their new job is important for employee retention to make them feel like they are part of the team. That first day of work is that new hire’s first impression of your company values.

Topics: Corporate Gifting Onboarding Employee Engagement