Digital Asset Management, Print on Demand, Global Fulfillment | OnFulfillment Blog

OnFulfillment Blog | Direct Mail

Marketing Asset Management: What it Is and How it Can Help Your Organization

Today’s era of multichannel marketing demands that you engage your target audience every day across multiple platforms and media:  social, direct mail, websites, events, videos, mobile, messaging, retail, and banner ads.

This requires a solution that allows your sales and marketing teams to order and process materials for every channel you use, making everything they need readily available right at their fingertips.

Topics: Direct Mail Courseware Print Fulfillment Marketing Asset Management

10 Reasons Print Will Never Die

The demise of print has long been rumored. In fact, no less an expert than satirical paper The Onion declared “Print Dead At 1,803” back in 2013.

Topics: Direct Mail

Why Print is Still Relevant in 2023

Let’s face it: in some circles, the thought of printing materials for a marketing campaign in 2023 is considered quaint, if not downright old fashioned. Digital marketers can’t possibly conceive of the value of print; as far as they’re concerned, why spend the time and money to manufacture something when they can create web-based, e-mail, and mobile campaigns quickly, easily and cost effectively?

Topics: Direct Mail Print Marketing Marketing Asset Management

Smart Marketers Choose Printers with Muscle

All printers print well. Some deliver good quality; some deliver better quality; and some are truly stellar. But thanks to advanced printing technology, most printers in 2013 do a decent job. When looking at a buffet of print collateral, most marketers can’t tell the difference between samples – or know who printed what.

Topics: Direct Mail Print Marketing Commercial Print Print Fulfillment Marketing Asset Management

7 Ways to Keep Your Print Costs Down

If we’ve seen it once, we’ve seen it a hundred times: enthusiastic yet inexperienced marketers running up print fulfillment costs by creating exotic designs that are undeniably beautiful but prohibitively expensive to produce and distribute. And there’s no shortage of printers who are happy to encourage that sort of behavior and take your money in the process.

Topics: Direct Mail Commercial Print