Digital Asset Management, Print on Demand, Global Fulfillment | OnFulfillment Blog

Educate, Inform, Equip: OnFulfillment’s New Resources Web Page

When we meet potential new customers for the first time, the initial discussion is invariably dedicated to information gathering. They heard about us, requested a meeting, and want to know what we do, how we do it, and—ultimately—how we can help them solve a pressing or immediate business problem.

We wouldn’t have it any other way. We love sharing our expertise with prospects and customers alike. We enjoy meeting new people and hearing about the challenges they are facing with respect to their marketing fulfillment or event management obligations. And most of all, we welcome the opportunity to present them with solutions that help them achieve their goals.

That’s why we’ll never turn down a serious request. But we also know that not every prospective customer is enthusiastic about filling out a form and scheduling a blind meeting. We’ve often wondered if there wasn’t a better way to help prospects get up to speed about what we do so they can educate themselves prior to an initial consultation. A way for them to learn about our software, our services, and our innovative approach so they can arm themselves with information and come prepared with pertinent and relevant questions. Or perhaps a way to determine whether OnFulfillment is even a good fit for their needs before they submit a meeting request.

Those questions have led us to create what we are announcing today: a new section on our website designed to provide special insights into what OnFulfillment has to offer, as well as information about what marketing fulfillment means. Welcome to our new Resources section.onfulfillment resources section with product catalogs and video tutorials

Designing a Resources Website

We began the process by defining what exactly we wanted our resource section to be—how it would benefit our customers, both existing and prospective.

First and foremost, it had to provide access to valuable information—useful, educational content that will help them better understand their own needs and the sorts of solutions available to them. This in turn will lead them to make more informed decisions about what OnFulfillment can, or cannot, do for them.

Ideally, this content would be well-organized and easy to find, saving them time and helping them arrive at the right conclusion, whatever that may be. The information had to be aggregated in a single place, eliminating the need to scour the entire website looking for answers.

From an OnFulfillment perspective, an effective resources section would serve to reassure potential customers that we are competent, knowledgeable, and reliable, increasing their confidence in our ability to address and resolve their business challenges. A pleasant user experience casts a positive light on the company.onfulfillment resources pages is a great tool for

For existing customers, an effective resources page can also provide ongoing support by offering access to troubleshooting guides, best practices documentation, and technical support staff. A more advanced site might even allow customers to communicate via a message board to share winning strategies or solicit troubleshooting advice.

If executed well, an effective resources section would be a true—and rare—win/win situation. For existing and potential customers, it would provide the information they needed to make informed decisions, solve problems, and gain confidence in the company.

For OnFulfillment, it would help establish us as authorities in the field of marketing fulfillment, build trust with our target audience, and improve customer retention by providing ongoing value to our installed base. From a business perspective, it would also improve our online visibility and attract potential customers that may have overlooked us in the past, improving our sales and marketing efforts to generate new business.

Introducing the OnFulfillment Resources Section

Phase One of the OnFulfillment resources section includes a variety of material we’ve been working on for some time—content designed to provide a unique insight into the world of OnFulfillment. This includes the following items:


video tutorials for the onfulfillment corporate portal

The best way to understand how something works is to see it in action. Our quick two-minute videos provide a peek into the OnFulfillment portal and software, demonstrating how our customers can perform a variety of tasks ranging from ordering and shipping products both domestically and internationally to submitting print-on-demand requests and building pop-up stores and redemption pages. It’s engaging and educational content that helps visitors visualize what OnFulfillment’s technology can do.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

frequently asked questions for onfulfillment and fulfillment services

Our FAQs address the most common questions and issues we hear from our customers, saving visitors time by providing easy and centralized access to information. These FAQs supplement the frequently asked questions that populate our other pages, gathering them all in one place for easy perusal.



glossary of event fulfillment and printing terms

Glossaries serve as an important educational tool, especially for those who are new to or unfamiliar with the field. Our glossary provides clear definitions of industry-specific jargon and other complex terms as well as more familiar items, helping enhance our visitors’ understanding of our content.


Catalogs & Flyers

themed product flyers and promotional product catalogs

Our catalogs and flyers are designed to keep our customers and prospects informed about the hottest trends and most popular branded swag for every occasion and budget. Catalogs present collections of products organized by groups offered by vendors throughout the promotional branded merchandise industry. Flyers, released weekly, are based on a fun theme and highlight a small group of products ranging from low-priced giveaways to high-end corporate gifts. Visitors are invited to download these pdf items for later reference. 


Case Studies (Coming Soon)

Case studies provide practical examples of how customers are employing our services and technology to solve their marketing fulfillment, printing, shipping, and event management challenges. These real-life applications provide valuable insights that can influence purchasing decisions.


“Problem Solved” Series (Coming Soon)

Many of our customers are trying to solve the same problems or address the same issues.  The “Problem Solved” shows how OnFulfillment has thought about these issues—ranging from how to maintain brand consistency across different materials and media to how to ship to India—and know how to solve them.


Resources Web Page Benefits Everyone

From providing diverse content and improving the user experience to establishing authority and increasing engagement with prospects and customers, an effective resource page benefits everyone.

The content in this section will be growing and changing all the time, so please visit often. New videos, catalogs, flyers, and case studies will be added over time, providing additional insights and revealing even more about what makes OnFulfillment so unique.

If you’d like to learn more about what OnFulfillment can do for you, well…visit our resources section and take a look around. If you think there’s something we can do for you, visit our Contact Us page and request a meeting. We’ll be happy to fill in the gaps and answer any additional questions you may have.

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