Digital Asset Management, Print on Demand, Global Fulfillment | OnFulfillment Blog
Steve Friar

Steve Friar

Steve is President and founder of OnFulfillment.

Recent Posts by Steve Friar:

Educate, Inform, Equip: OnFulfillment’s New Resources Web Page

When we meet potential new customers for the first time, the initial discussion is invariably dedicated to information gathering. They heard about us, requested a meeting, and want to know what we do, how we do it, and—ultimately—how we can help them solve a pressing or immediate business problem.

We wouldn’t have it any other way. We love sharing our expertise with prospects and customers alike. We enjoy meeting new people and hearing about the challenges they are facing with respect to their marketing fulfillment or event management obligations. And most of all, we welcome the opportunity to present them with solutions that help them achieve their goals.

That’s why we’ll never turn down a serious request. But we also know that not every prospective customer is enthusiastic about filling out a form and scheduling a blind meeting. We’ve often wondered if there wasn’t a better way to help prospects get up to speed about what we do so they can educate themselves prior to an initial consultation. A way for them to learn about our software, our services, and our innovative approach so they can arm themselves with information and come prepared with pertinent and relevant questions. Or perhaps a way to determine whether OnFulfillment is even a good fit for their needs before they submit a meeting request.

Topics: Promotional Swag Customer Success Company Store

OnFulfillment Gives Back: Yesenia Montiel Helps Stray Dogs in Mexico Through UnPerroalavez Charity

When Yesenia Montiel and her husband relocated from California to Mexico in 2022 to be closer to her aging in-laws, she couldn’t believe what she saw.

“I was shocked at how many stray dogs there were,” says Yesenia, a Strategic Account Manager at OnFulfillment for the past six years. “Too many.”

It didn’t take long for this situation to land on their doorstep. Within a week of arriving at their new home slightly north of Veracruz, Yesenia and her husband were awakened by a dog crying outside their door. “I got up and saw the dog, who was shivering,” she recalls. “She had very little hair, which it turns out was caused by scabies, so she was very sick.” To make matters worse, someone had poured burnt motor oil on the animal, believing it would help with the scabies.

“I started crying,” says Yesenia. “We knew we had to do something, so we brought her into the garage, called a vet, and got her into treatment right away. After about three weeks, she was in pretty good shape—we were astonished at how quickly she recovered with the appropriate treatment.”

Topics: Global Fulfillment Employee Engagement

Enhancing User Experience and Security with Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM)

In today’s digital age, where business is increasingly conducted online and virtual exchanges are the primary method of personal interaction, ensuring a seamless and, more importantly, secure user experience is absolutely critical.

One of the key obstacles to achieving this goal lies in the ability to effectively manage user identities and access. While user-friendly and convenient single sign-on (SSO) technology is typically used in these cases, it can pose a security risk if it's not well-managed or properly deployed. A better solution is required.

Enter Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM), a solution that is revolutionizing the way organizations handle these authentication and authorization processes. Not only does CIAM enhance the capabilities of existing SSO solutions, it also enhances both user convenience and security, providing a level of comfort that businesses are looking for.

Topics: Global Fulfillment Marketing Asset Management Company Store Custom Developments & Integrations

New to Trade Shows and Events? This Glossary will Help.

It’s spring, which means it’s event season. Businesses across America (and around the world, for that matter) are dusting off their exhibits, unfurling their banners, erecting their pop-up signs, and preparing to hit the road.

In honor of this occasion, and to assist the novices and newcomers, we’ve assembled the following list of trade show and event terms—common phrases and labels you’re sure to hear from the various vendors and consultants you’ve enlisted to assist your efforts. Hopefully this list will prepare you for the inevitable conversations and allow you to communicate your objectives effectively.

To help organize this content, we’ve assigned the terms to six basic categories:

Topics: Event Marketing Materials Marketing Fulfillment Event Support

To Our Loyal Customers: Thank You for 25 Years of Business

Over the past several months, as OnFulfillment approaches its Silver Anniversary, we’ve been using this blog space to look back at how our business has evolved over the past 25 years. From marketing and event fulfillment to on-demand printing, branded and promotional merchandise, warehousing, and kitting, it’s been interesting to see how far we’ve come and reflect on what we’ve accomplished.

Today, we thought it would be appropriate to end this journey by acknowledging the people who made it all possible.

Topics: Global Fulfillment Company Store Marketing Fulfillment