Digital Asset Management, Print on Demand, Global Fulfillment | OnFulfillment Blog
Steve Friar

Steve Friar

Steve is President and founder of OnFulfillment.

Recent Posts by Steve Friar:

The 5 Most Critical Design for Print Tips

For whatever reason, printers seem to get blamed for all kinds of printing bloopers. We’re all familiar with the phrase “printing mistake” or “printer’s error” in news stories about embarrassing or expensive printed mistakes. It somehow always boils down to the printer, regardless of who else might have handled the job.

Voucher Programs = Peace of Mind for Training Organizations

If you’re in the business of selling software or hardware, you’re also in the business of training. You probably have a considerable amount of training materials, which may be printed materials or electronic documents – or both.

Whatever format they  take, training organizations need a system for managing and distributing training materials quickly, securely, and cost effectively. This is especially challenging if you have voucher programs, which offer prepaid classes or certification exams via redemption of a code.

Topics: Courseware Global Fulfillment Print Fulfillment Marketing Asset Management

Are There Techie Brains Behind Your Marketing or Training Portal?

What would happen if you purchased a brand-new, fresh-off-the-lot luxury car, like a Porsche, a Tesla, or an Audi, and when you popped open the hood there was…zippo. Nothing. No engine whatsoever. You’d feel robbed. And well you should.

Fortunately, it would never get that far. You’d have test driven that baby. But isn’t it easy to be swayed by something so stunning on the outside? It’s natural that once we fall for the sizzle, we expect the entire steak to be exactly what we imagine.

Topics: Courseware Global Fulfillment Print Fulfillment Marketing Asset Management Promotional Swag

8 Tips for Holiday Fulfillment

When fall rolls around, moms gear up for a new school year, retailers stock their shelves for holiday shoppers, and marketers prepare for product launches and year-end deliveries that revolve around the holidays.

Now’s the time to keep in mind how clogged the mail and package delivery channels get between Thanksgiving and the final notes of “Auld Lang Syne.” On your mark, get set, gird yourself!


Topics: Direct Mail Print Fulfillment Promotional Swag

What Is an Integrated Print & Web Campaign? [Part 1]

This is the first in a series about integrated marketing campaigns. If you want to be kept updated on new posts, subscribe on the form to the right...

Step 1: Print Say Hello to Data...

You’re probably familiar with terms like web-to-print, integrated print campaigns, and multi-channel marketing. These terms get thrown about like rice after a wedding, but they’re not that simple to understand.This post is the first of several that will explain the basics of an integrated direct mail campaign. With this one, we’re focusing on combining print with your database. Each post will build upon the previous one. (When all is done, you’ll have a handy reference guide to share with your colleagues!)

Topics: Direct Mail Print Marketing Print Fulfillment Marketing Asset Management