Digital Asset Management, Print on Demand, Global Fulfillment | OnFulfillment Blog
Steve Friar

Steve Friar

Steve is President and founder of OnFulfillment.

Recent Posts by Steve Friar:

Is Your Marketing Asset Management System Delivering the Goods?

More and more companies have turned to marketing technologies to help manage their marketing activities, from lead management all the way through delivery of printed marketing materials.

Central to this type of technology is your digital asset repository. Most likely, this means you have a marketing portal to house your firm’s digital assets. This helps you manage, track, update and share things like corporate logos, marketing copy, photos, courseware, and product information.

Topics: Direct Mail Print Marketing Event Marketing Materials Courseware Marketing Asset Management

What Is an Integrated Print & Web Campaign? [Part 3]

This is the third in a series about integrated marketing campaigns. If you want to be kept updated on new posts, subscribe on the form to the right.  Read Part 1 and Part 2.

Topics: Direct Mail Marketing Asset Management

Print Buyer Tips: Common Binding & Finishing Techniques

When people talk about printing, they usually focus on the front end of the process – the design, the size, the format, the colors (like 4C and PMS colors), the paper, and the printing itself – digital, offset, and screen, to name just three.

But let’s not forget the “back end” of the process – the stuff that happens to a print job after it comes off the press.

Post-press operations are a combination of binding and finishing.

Topics: Courseware Commercial Print Marketing Asset Management

How Much Tech Support Comes with Your Marketing Portal?

As you’re evaluating potential marketing portal partners for your company, don’t neglect an important criterion that many marketers might overlook: technical support.

Topics: Print Fulfillment Marketing Asset Management

What Is an Integrated Print and Web Campaign? [Part 2]

This is the second in a series about integrated marketing campaigns. If you want to be kept updated on new posts, subscribe on the form to the right.  You can also read part 1 here.

Step 2: Add PURLs, QR Codes, or Other Tracking Software

If you’re creating an integrated direct mail campaign, and you’re producing printed pieces right from your marketing portal, you need to track the printed component. Without tracking the results, you can’t measure a campaign’s effectiveness.

Topics: Direct Mail Marketing Asset Management