Digital Asset Management, Print on Demand, Global Fulfillment | OnFulfillment Blog
Steve Friar

Steve Friar

Steve is President and founder of OnFulfillment.

Recent Posts by Steve Friar:

Who’s Using QR Codes at Events? Raise Your Hands!

Don’t be so quick to conclude that QR codes (Quick Response codes) are fading away. Just the opposite: these days, companies are concocting all sorts of creative applications for these data-filled little squares that you see printed everywhere.

Topics: Event Marketing Materials Global Fulfillment Promotional Swag Kit Assembly

Did You Know There’s a Professional Organization Just for Training Execs in Tech?

There are lots of organizations for professionals who are training executives, but did you know there’s one that caters strictly to those in the tech industry?

Topics: Event Marketing Materials Global Fulfillment

How to Tell If Your Courseware Management Program Is Serving You Well

If the education services your company offers is growing, and you’re adding more training courses in more locations and perhaps even in different languages, you need a system to manage this content for you.

Topics: Print On Demand Courseware Global Fulfillment Print Fulfillment Marketing Asset Management

Print Abides

Have you noticed that people who shout, “Print’s not dead!” tend to be printers or those who make their living off of print? It’s not a coincidence. Fighting for your livelihood is practical. And noble.

Topics: Direct Mail Event Marketing Materials

Print, the Comeback Kid

Maybe you want to reconsider jumping on that “digital-above-all” bandwagon. There are indications of late that printed materials are still quite effective in marketing campaigns.

Here are some recent news items about printed materials used for marketing that are worth a look-see:

Topics: Direct Mail Global Fulfillment Promotional Swag