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Steve Friar

Steve Friar

Steve is President and founder of OnFulfillment.

Recent Posts by Steve Friar:

Go Ahead. Give Away Your Content.

If were playing a round of word association and I shouted out “Content!” you’d probably holler back, “Marketing!” Like Pavlov’s dogs, we’re just conditioned that way in 2015. Content’s importance as a marketing strategy is big and getting bigger.Late last year, according to IDC, CMOs at the largest tech companies said that “Building out content marketing as an organizational competency was the 2nd most important initiative, only behind ROI.” As a result (or an indication, actually), tech companies have been pouring money, staff and energy into developing their content marketing efforts.

Topics: Direct Mail Event Marketing Materials Marketing Asset Management

The Beating Heart of Content Marketing

The phrase “content marketing” is on every marketer’s tongue. Author and master “Marketeer” Seth Godin stated in 2008 that it’s “all the marketing’s that left.” Related, Joe Pulizzi of CMI (Content Marketing Institute) has in the past covered several important points made by Godin. They discussed the concept of content marketing.

Topics: Print Marketing

Are You Connecting the Dots Between Your Marketing Portal & Your Content Marketing Efforts?

Do you sometimes wonder if there’s any other marketing besides content marketing? In 2008, Seth Godin said it’s the only marketing left. In 2014, a post on Forbes’ web site included a statement saying that “by 2013, use of content marketing had jumped across corporations from 60% a year or so before, to 93% as part of their overall marketing strategy.” And according to CMI’s 2013 benchmark study, 91% of B2B marketers are using content marketing.

Topics: Marketing Asset Management

Tips for First-Time Dreamforce Exhibitors

Are you planning to exhibit for the first time at this year’s Dreamforce in San Francisco? Well then, get ready, get set, and go prepared.

Topics: Direct Mail Event Marketing Materials Promotional Swag Kit Assembly

The Importance of Secure Electronic Training Materials

Are you in the business of developing online training materials? Whether you’re producing them for your own company or for your customers, you’ll recognize these three priorities: time-sensitivity, flexibility, and (most of all) security.