Digital Asset Management, Print on Demand, Global Fulfillment | OnFulfillment Blog
Steve Friar

Steve Friar

Steve is President and founder of OnFulfillment.

Recent Posts by Steve Friar:

8 Things to Consider When Evaluating Courseware Management Programs

As your company grows, the education services your company offers has to grow along with it.  As you add more training courses in more global locations, in different languages, and with multiple authorized training partners, you’re going to need a system to manage courseware for you.

Courseware management programs help companies manage and distribute their printed courseware and ebooks quickly, securely, and cost effectively.

As you envision a perfect system for storing and managing your courseware, these 8 key points should be kept in mind:

Topics: Print On Demand Courseware Global Fulfillment Print Fulfillment Marketing Asset Management

Marketing Portal Requirements Checklist

Sure, it can be overwhelming to consider all of the options when you’re shopping for a marketing portal. The terminology is inconsistent from company to company, making it more difficult to figure out what a particular portal solution will provide.So we thought it made sense to create this checklist for key features and functionality of a sophisticated marketing portal. And while you may not need every feature right away, it’s wise to know what the possibilities are. When the day comes that you need every feature, the portal you invest in should be able to handle it.

Topics: Event Marketing Materials Marketing Asset Management

Medical Device Marketing Just Got WAY Easier

A common challenge among medical device manufacturers who sell products to channels such as physician networks is how to market their products effectively. Typically, a manufacturer’s sales rep trains physicians on proper use of a device so that they can market it to their patients.

Topics: Direct Mail Marketing Asset Management

Here’s How to Slash Printing Costs for Your Global Training Materials

Maybe it’s high time you started questioning the cost of printing and shipping your global training materials.

Topics: Courseware Global Fulfillment Print Fulfillment Marketing Asset Management

Ecommerce Tips for Easter

Major holidays represent major sales opportunities for many etailers. Guess which holiday is right around the bunny trail? That’s right, it’s Easter.

Topics: Print Fulfillment Promotional Swag Kit Assembly