Digital Asset Management, Print on Demand, Global Fulfillment | OnFulfillment Blog
Steve Friar

Steve Friar

Steve is President and founder of OnFulfillment.

Recent Posts by Steve Friar:

Creating Your Event Collateral Shouldn’t Be Like Wrestling an Alligator

If you answer, “Yes!” to any of these questions, it’s time to get control over your firm’s event materials.
  • When your company’s planning to participate in an event, how do you handle the event exhibit materials and collateral?
  • Is it done helter-skelter at the last minute? Is it handled by too many people, who don’t communicate with one another? Do you tend to run out of handout materials at events?
  • At the end of the day, when you look at all of the collateral created to promote your event, does it look like a sorry collection of mismatched print and promotional materials?
Topics: Direct Mail Print Marketing Event Marketing Materials Print Fulfillment Marketing Asset Management Promotional Swag

Dear Marketing, Where in the World Are Those Sales Materials?

Dear Marketing,

We just wasted 45 minutes scouring the company’s site and Intranet site, looking for the sales brochure on our latest launch. It was agonizing. This is happening all the time now, so we had to address it.

We’re on the verge of losing a huge prospect we’ve been courting for weeks. All because we can’t get our hands on the materials we’ve been promising them. For the love of God, please help!

For the sake of all of us in Sales, we’re begging you to find a better way to get us our sales materials. We need to have 24/7 access, regardless of where we are.

Topics: Global Fulfillment Marketing Asset Management

Earn the Love of Your Event Managers With Your Marketing Portal

A company’s event manager typically handles multiple events at the same time. Making sure that trade show materials like printed pieces, booth items, signage, and promotional items all get to Venue A, Venue B, and so on, is the stuff of migraines. Big, fat, gut-wrenching migraines.

There’s one way to make these logistical headaches disappear: let your Marketing Portal handle this work for you.

Topics: Direct Mail Print Marketing Event Marketing Materials Print Fulfillment Marketing Asset Management

Better Together: MRC + Fulfillment for Better Event Management

Like milk & cookies, like peanut butter and jelly, like green eggs & ham – somethings are just better together.

Combining your traditional print-on-demand Marketing Resource Center (MRC) with the capability to warehouse and fulfill the physical materials needed for events is a no brainer.

Photo by Fischer Twins on Unsplash

Topics: Print On Demand Event Marketing Materials Global Fulfillment Print Fulfillment Marketing Asset Management

Direct Mail Best Practices Part 7 - Tracking Your Campaign

Today’s post is the final one in our series on Direct Mail Best Practices. Hopefully, you’ve been following along all these weeks! So far in this series, we’ve covered the list, the message, the creative, the Call to Action (CTA), the printing/mailing, and the integration. That brings us to a very important element that all marketers care about: the tracking.

Topics: Direct Mail