Digital Asset Management, Print on Demand, Global Fulfillment | OnFulfillment Blog
Steve Friar

Steve Friar

Steve is President and founder of OnFulfillment.

Recent Posts by Steve Friar:

Security, Fulfillment and Ease of Use – How They All Fit Together

As we go through the sales and onboarding process with our customers, many will say, “sorry, but IT will have to send over a questionnaire.”  

While some might see this as a roadblock, our answer to this statement is, “Great!” The reason why is simple. 

Topics: Global Fulfillment Marketing Asset Management

For the Love of Fulfillment: What’s It All About?

“Fulfillment” is a funny word. When you hear it, you might picture something soothing that relates to personal fulfillment – anything that brings you closer to complete happiness. (Can we get an “Om…..”?)

But “order fulfillment” is a whole other story. In commerce, it describes a company, department or service that processes orders for products and delivers them.

If you’re the one placing an order, and the company providing this service gets it right, you get what you ordered when you expect it, and it’s in pristine shape.

Some might say that’s also a kind of “complete happiness.” For sure, if you don’t get what you’ve ordered, or get it too late, or it’s damaged, it’s often a complete nightmare. 

Topics: Direct Mail Print Fulfillment Marketing Asset Management

What’s at the Heart of Print on Demand

Sometimes it’s hard to understand print industry lingo. If you’re not part of this vibrant and evolving field, you may not always be savvy to terms that printers toss around with abandon. That’s their problem – not yours.

Topics: Print On Demand Courseware Commercial Print Global Fulfillment Marketing Asset Management Kit Assembly

The Secret to Solving Your Marketing Fulfillment Challenges

On the surface, shipping and fulfillment may seem like a pretty straightforward process. You package your product, stick a label on it and then send it off to your customers or employees. In reality, this critical component of the supply chain can become incredibly challenging and costly. Fortunately, there is a solution and it’s much easier and more affordable than you may think.

Topics: Global Fulfillment Print Fulfillment Kit Assembly

You Can't Outsource Yourself

You likely outsource your graphic design, your web development, your marketing automation system support, and maybe even your PR function.  But there’s one thing  you just can’t outsource—yourself.

Most companies are already managing physical marketing assets, such as printed collateral, sales sheets, booth and event materials, and branded promotional items.  These physical materials are likely being managed by various marketing team members.  Outsourcing your physical marketing materials can lead to tremendous benefits in saved time and increased revenue.

Topics: Print On Demand Print Marketing Marketing Asset Management Promotional Swag