Digital Asset Management, Print on Demand, Global Fulfillment | OnFulfillment Blog
Steve Friar

Steve Friar

Steve is President and founder of OnFulfillment.

Recent Posts by Steve Friar:

5 Ways Marketing Benefits from a DAM System

A Digital Asset Management (DAM) system is every marketer’s savior.

This software solution helps companies create, manage, upload, file, store and share their digital content on any platform. A DAM (or sometimes called a MAM - Marketing Asset Management system) should be the central hub for all of your digital marketing files, including documents, logos, photos and other images, videos, and templates. The bigger your company, the more critical your DAM system. And marketers should be involved in the selection of the DAM provider – it’s not just an IT issue.Here are the 5 top ways marketers benefit from DAM.

Topics: Marketing Asset Management

Keeping Your Hybrid Work Team Organized

Obvious observation of the day: today’s corporate world is dramatically different than it was just two or three years ago.

Thanks primarily to the COVID-19 pandemic, 16% of companies worldwide are now 100% remote. And even though 44% of global companies don’t or can’t allow remote work, 85% of managers assume that hybrid teams composed of both on-site and remote workers will become the new norm.

Topics: Global Fulfillment Marketing Asset Management Onboarding

Still Raiding the Marketing Closet for Event Material? There's a Better Way

It’s happened to all of us.

You’ve checked your onsite inventory and confirmed that there is sufficient collateral and branded merch on hand to support an upcoming event you are managing. Signage and table skirts are also available. It feels good to be proactive and know you won’t be scrambling at the last minute.

Topics: Event Marketing Materials Marketing Asset Management Promotional Swag Company Store

Set Your Company Apart with Branded Products That No One Else Has

At virtually every event, and in virtually every company store, you’ll see the same tired branded products recycled and reused.

Topics: Promotional Swag Company Store Corporate Gifting

Desperately Seeking a Marketing Portal? You Should Be.

As the importance of great, compelling content grows and grows, your marketing team’s need to access, customize, produce and distribute marketing and/or customer materials goes through the proverbial roof. Do they have such access?

Can they easily and reliably get their hands on the most current data sheets, corporate brochures, logos, videos and other digital assets when they need to? Is all of this vital information housed in one easy-to-use location…that they trust?

Topics: Event Marketing Materials Marketing Asset Management Promotional Swag